Source code for

import pkgutil 
import sys 
import logging; log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log_user = logging.getLogger("mcgdb.log.user")
import gdb

from . import access, archi, system

from .. import python_utils

# package type --> implementation
current_impls = {}
# package type --> (list of implementations)
impls_list = {}

[docs]def initialize(): """ Initializes the target stack (access, archi and system). Look into the three submodules, and initialize them. """ from mcgdb.toolbox import my_gdb for ttype in [access, archi, system]: prefix = ttype.__name__ + "." type_name = ttype.__name__.split(".")[-1] impls_list[ttype] = {} for importer, impl_name, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(ttype.__path__, prefix): try: impl = sys.modules[impl_name] impl_name = impl_name.split(".")[-1] log_user.debug("Found target %s.%s", type_name, impl_name) impl.init(my_gdb) impls_list[ttype][impl_name] = impl except KeyError as ke: pass except Exception as e: log.warn("Couldn't load target %s (%s)", impl_name, e) current_impls[ttype] = ttype.prefered
[docs]def get_target(ttype): """ Returns the relevant implementation for the target type asked. :param ttype: archi, system or access submodule. :returns: the relevant implementation of the asked type. """ if ttype == archi: str_archi = gdb.execute("show architecture", to_string=True) if current_impls[archi].recognize(str_archi): return current_impls[archi] else: for impl in impls_list[ttype].values(): if impl.recognize(str_archi): current_impls[archi] = impl return impl else: log.exception("No architecture found for '%s'", str_archi) return current_impls[ttype]