Source code for mcgdb.model.task.interaction.messages

Module extending GDB's CLI with commands related to messages.

import gdb

from mcgdb import representation


[docs]class cmd_info_messages (gdb.Command): """ Lists the messages stored in the different entities and links. Options: +|full Prints all checkpoints crossed by the message. #id* Prints only messages with given IDs """ def __init__ (self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, "info messages", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
[docs] def invoke (self, arg, from_tty): full = False boxe_filters = [] msg_filters = [] rest = arg while rest != "": first, part, rest = rest.partition(" ") if first in ("full", "+"): full = True elif first.isdigit(): msg_filters.append(int(first)) elif len(first) == 1: boxe_filters.append(first) else: my_gdb.log.warning("argument '%s' not recognized", first) no_msg_filter = len(msg_filters) == 0 def print_messages(box_id, msgs, head): is_first = True if no_msg_filter: print (head) is_first = False if msgs is None: if no_msg_filter: print ("\t Cannot hold messages.") return for msg in msgs: if msg is None: continue idx = msg.numbers[connection_mon.Message] if not no_msg_filter and idx not in msg_filters: continue if is_first: is_first = False print (head) bpk = "" if msg.breakpoint: if msg.breakpoint_cnt == 0: bpk = " BPK" elif msg.breakpoint_cnt == 1 : bpk = " BPK (1 hit)" else: bpk = " BPK (%d hits)" % msg.breakpoint_cnt print ("\t #%d %s%s" % (idx, msg, bpk),) if full: print ("{") print ("\t\t"+",\n\t\t".join(["%s%s" % (id_, " --> %s" % payload if payload else "") for id_, payload in msg.checkpoints])) print ("\t}") else: print i = "A" for ent in connection_mon.CommEntity.list_: idx = i i = chr(ord(i) + 1) if len(boxe_filters) != 0 and idx not in boxe_filters: continue print_messages(idx, ent.get_messages(), "#%s %s" % (idx, ent)) for link in connection_mon.Link.list_: idx = i i = chr(ord(i) + 1) if len(boxe_filters) != 0 and idx not in boxe_filters: continue print_messages(idx, link.get_messages(), "#%s %s (%s)" % (idx, link, link.numbers[connection_mon.Link]))
[docs] def complete(self, text, word): complete = [] if word.startswith("full"): complete.append("full") return complete
[docs]class cmd_message (gdb.Command): """ Usage: message IDs+ {break|unbreak} Set a breakpoint on the operations handling this message. """ def __init__ (self): gdb.Command.__init__(self, "message", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
[docs] def invoke (self, arg, from_tty): set_break = None requested_msgs = [] rest = arg while rest != "": first, part, rest = rest.partition(" ") if first in ["break"]: set_break = True elif first in ["unbreak"]: set_break = False elif first.isdigit(): requested_msgs.append(int(first)) else: print ("Argument '%s' ignored." % first) if len(requested_msgs) == 0: print ("No message id specified.") return if set_break is None: print ("No action specified.") return for msg in connection_mon.Message.all_messages(): if msg is None: continue idx = msg.numbers[connection_mon.Message] if idx not in requested_msgs: continue requested_msgs.remove(idx) if set_break is not None: msg.breakpoint = set_break print ("Breakpoint %s on message #%d" % \ (set_break and "set" or "unset", idx)) if len(requested_msgs) != 0: print ("No message with id %s" % ", ".join(requested_msgs))
[docs]def initialize(): cmd_message() cmd_info_messages()