Source code for mcgdb.model.gpu.interaction

from __future__ import print_function

import gdb

import mcgdb
from mcgdb.toolbox import my_gdb

[docs]class cmd_CleanFlow(gdb.Command): def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__ (self, "flow_cleanup", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
[docs] def invoke (self, args, from_tty): Event.list_ = [evt for evt in Event.list_ if evt.key and not evt.key.dead] print ("done")
output = None DEBUG = False
[docs]class cmd_PrintFlow(gdb.Command): def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__ (self, "print_flow", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
[docs] def invoke (self, args, from_tty): global output if DEBUG or "+debug" in args: class printer: def flush(self):pass def write(self, data): print (data,) output = printer() else: if not output or "-debug" in args: output = open("/home/kevin/.sequenceDebugging.fifo", "w") if "+clean" in args: # send a CLEAR request print ("#!|CLEAN|#", file=output) # send the entire event list events = [] events[:] = Event.list_ else: # just send the last events events = [] events[:] = Event.lasts_ # forget about "last events Event.lasts_[:] = [] for evt in events: print (str(evt), file=output) print ("#!|DONE|#", file=output) output.flush()
print_flow = None
[docs]class cmd_PrintOrg(gdb.Command): def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__ (self, "print_org", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
[docs] def invoke (self, args, from_tty): FILENAME = "sequenceDebugging" print_all = False print_active = False only_bufferids = [] only_kernelids = [] rest = str(args) while rest != "": first, part, rest = rest.partition(" ") if first == "+all": print_all = True if first == "+active": print_active = True elif first.startswith("+k=") or first.startswith("+b="): target = only_bufferids if first[1] == "b" else only_kernelids try: target.append(int(first[3:])) except ValueError: my_gdb.log.warning("argument '%s' invalid, expected an integer after =", first) else: my_gdb.log.warning("argument '%s' not recognized", first) def do_filter(listz, clazz): only = [] for item in clazz.list_: if item.numbers[clazz] in listz: only.append(item) return only only_buffers = do_filter(only_bufferids, Buffer) only_kernels = do_filter(only_kernelids, Kernel) with open("" % FILENAME, "w") as output: print ("digraph G { rankdir=LR;", file=output) for cname, cid in [("Context 1", "ctx1")]: cuid = "context_%s" % cid print ("subgraph cluster_%s {" % cuid, file=output) print (' label="%s" ' % cname, file=output) for buffer in Buffer.list_: if not print_all and buffer.never_used: continue if only_buffers and not(buffer in only_buffers): continue if only_kernels and not(sum([kern.count_buffer_use(buffer) for kern in only_kernels])): continue if print_active and not buffer.in_use: continue bnum = buffer.numbers[Buffer] buid = "buffer_%s" % bnum if buffer.mode == Buffer.READ_ONLY: color = {Buffer.WRITE_AVAILABLE: "green", Buffer.READ_AVAILABLE: "orange"}[buffer.state] else: color = {Buffer.WRITE_AVAILABLE: "green", Buffer.TRANSFERED: "turquoise", Buffer.READ_AVAILABLE: "blue"}[buffer.state] print ('%s [label="Buffer #%d (%s)"] [style = filled color = %s]' % (buid, bnum, buffer.mode[1], color), file=output) #print kernels, program per program for program in Program.list_: puid = "program_%s" % program.uid print ("subgraph cluster_%s {" % puid, file=output) print (' label= "%s"' %, file=output) for kernel in program.kernels: if not print_all and not(kernel.buffers or kernel.buffers_hist): continue if only_kernels and not(kernel in only_kernels): continue if only_buffers and not(sum([buff.count_kernel_use(kernel) for buff in only_buffers])): continue if print_active and not(kernel.buffers): continue knum = kernel.numbers[Kernel] kuid = "kernel_%s" % knum print ('%s [label="Kernel #%d %s"] [shape=rect color=yellow]' % (kuid, knum,,)) print ("}", file=output) print ("}", file=output) max_cnt = max([max(kern.buffers_hist.values()+[0]) for kern in Kernel.list_]) MAX_PENWIDTH = 5 # print connections for kernel in Kernel.list_: if only_kernels and not(kernel in only_kernels): continue knum = kernel.numbers[Kernel] kuid = "kernel_%s" % knum for buffer in kernel.buffers: bnum = buffer.numbers[Buffer] if only_buffers and not(bnum in only_buffers): continue buid = "buffer_%s" % bnum print ('%s -> %s [color=red]' % (buid, kuid), file=output) if print_active: continue for buffer, cnt in kernel.buffers_hist.items(): if cnt == 0: continue if only_buffers and not(buffer in only_buffers): continue bnum = buffer.numbers[Buffer] buid = "buffer_%s" % bnum cnt_ratio = float(cnt)/max_cnt*MAX_PENWIDTH print ('%s -> %s [color=green penwidth=%d dir="%s"]' % (buid, kuid, cnt_ratio, buffer.get_buffer_kernel_direction()), file=output) print ("}%", file=output) os.system("dot -Tpng %(name) -o %(name)s.png" % {"name":FILENAME}) print (FILENAME+".png")
autograph = None
[docs]def erase_common_prefix(old, new_): edit_str = list(new_) if not old: return new_, new_ common = 0 try: for i in range(len(old)): if old[i] == new_[i] and new_[i] != '_': edit_str[i] = '.' common += 1 else: break except: pass try: new_end = len(new_) old_end = len(new_) for i in len(old) - 1: if old[old_end - i] == new_[new_end - i] and new_[new_end - i] != '_': edit_str[new_end - i] = '.' common += 1 else: break except: pass if common > 3: return old, "".join(edit_str) else: return new_, "".join(edit_str)
[docs]class cmd_InfoPrograms(gdb.Command): """info programs""" def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__ (self, "info programs", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
[docs] def invoke (self, args, from_tty): selected = [] do_kernels = False kernel_args = "" for arg in str(args).split(" "): if arg.isdigit(): selected.append(int(arg)) elif arg == "+kernels" or arg.startswith("+kernels="): do_kernels = True if arg.startswith("+kernels="): kernel_args += " "+arg[len("+kernels="):] for prg in Program.list_: number = prg.numbers[Program] if len(selected) != 0 and number not in selected: continue print ("#%d %s" % (number, prg)) if do_kernels and prg.kernels: print ("\t"+gdb.execute("info kernels -complain %s %s" % (kernel_args, " ".join([str(ker.numbers[Kernel]) for ker in prg.kernels])), to_string=True).replace("\n", "\n\t"))
[docs]class cmd_InfoKernels(gdb.Command): """info kernels [+where] [{?+-}break +use_count] [{?+-}hide] [-unused]""" def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__ (self, "info kernels", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
[docs] def invoke (self, args, from_tty): selected = [] do_where = False do_use_count = False do_show_break = False do_program = False set_break = None only_used = False do_hide = False do_handle = False handle_args = [] name_args = [] set_hide = None do_complain = True for arg in str(args).split(" "): if arg.isdigit(): selected.append(int(arg)) elif arg == "+where": do_where = True elif arg == "+use_count": do_use_count = True elif arg == "-unused": only_used = True elif arg == "?break": do_show_break = True elif arg == "+break": do_show_break = True set_break = True elif arg == "-break": do_show_break = True set_break = False elif arg == "?hide": do_hide = True elif arg == "-hide": set_hide = False elif arg == "+hide": set_hide = True elif arg == "+program": do_program = True elif arg.startswith("+name="): name_args.append(arg[len("+name="):]) elif arg == "+handle" or arg.startswith("+handle="): do_handle = True if arg.startswith("+handle="): handle_args.append(arg[len("+handle="):]) elif arg == "-complain": do_complain = False elif arg == "": pass elif do_complain: print ("Argument '%s' not recognized" % arg) prev_name = None for ker in Kernel.list_: number = ker.numbers[Kernel] if len(selected) != 0 and number not in selected: continue if (len(selected) == 0 and ker.hide) and not (set_hide is False): continue if only_used and ker.use_count == 0: continue if handle_args and not ker.uid in handle_args: continue if name_args and not [prf for prf in name_args if]: continue prev_name, name = erase_common_prefix(prev_name, print ("#%d %s" % (number, name)) if do_where: print ("\t"+ker.stack.replace("\n", "\n\t")) if do_use_count: print ("\tUse count: %d" % ker.use_count) if do_handle: print ("\tHandle: %s" % ker.uid) if do_show_break: if set_break is not None: ker.do_break = set_break print ("\tBreak: %s" % ker.do_break) if do_hide: print ("\tHide: %s" % ker.hide) if set_hide is not None: ker.hide = set_hide if do_program: print ("\tProgram: %s" % ker.program)
[docs]class cmd_InfoBuffers(gdb.Command): def __init__(self): gdb.Command.__init__ (self, "info buffers", gdb.COMMAND_NONE)
[docs] def invoke (self, args, from_tty): selected = [] do_where = False do_line = False do_use_count = False do_show_break = False set_break = None only_used = False do_handle = False handle_args = [] show_dead = False for arg in str(args).split(" "): if arg.isdigit(): selected.append(int(arg)) elif arg == "+line": do_line = True elif arg == "+where": do_line = True do_where = True elif arg == "+use_count": do_use_count = True elif arg == "-unused": only_used = True elif arg == "+dead": show_dead = True elif arg == "+handle" or arg.startswith("+handle="): do_handle = True if arg.startswith("+handle="): handle_args.append(arg[len("+handle="):]) elif arg == "?break": do_show_break = True elif arg == "+break": do_show_break = True set_break = True elif arg == "-break": do_show_break = True set_break = False else: print ("Argument '%s' not recognized" % arg) for buf in Buffer.list_: number = buf.numbers[Buffer] if buf.dead and not show_dead: continue if len(selected) != 0 and number not in selected: continue if only_used and buf.use_count == 0: continue if handle_args and not buf.uid in handle_args: continue line = buf.get_name() +" "+ buf.state if buf.dead: line = "(%s)" % line print (line) if do_line: print ("> "+buf.line) if do_where: print ("\t"+buf.stack.replace("\n", "\n\t")) if do_use_count: print ("\tUse count: %d" % buf.use_count) if do_handle: print ("\tHandle: %s" % buf.uid) if do_show_break: if set_break is not None: buf.do_break = set_break print ("\tBreak: %s" % buf.do_break)
[docs]def activate(): cmd_PrintFlow() global print_flow print_flow = cmd_PrintFlow() cmd_PrintOrg() global autograph autograph = gdb.Parameter("autograph", gdb.COMMAND_NONE, gdb.PARAM_BOOLEAN) cmd_InfoPrograms() cmd_InfoKernels() cmd_InfoBuffers()