DEMA Kickoff
2015-03-12 in PresentationToday we’ve officially started the DEMA project, part of the Nano2017 national program. DEMA is focused on OpenMP functional and interactive debugging. It stands for
Debugging Embedded Multicore Applications
- Kickoff presentation
It is a cooperation between four institutions in Grenoble and Paris:
- INRIA Rhône-Alpes and Université Joseph Fourier, LIG, CORSE team, Grenoble
- INRIA Paris - Rocquencourt and École Normale Supérieure, DI, PARKAS team, Paris
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie, LIP6, ALSoC team, Paris
- STMicroelectronics, Unified Platform Division, Grenoble
It was instantiated by people from theses different entities: Jean-François Méhaut (UJF), Albert Cohen (INRIA), Karine Heydemann (UPMC) and Miguel Santana (STMicroelectronics).
DEMA is composed of two subprojects,
SP1: Debugging Interactif
SP2: Visualization and Automatic Detection of Performance Anomalies
I (Kevin Pouget) will be in charge of the SP1 for the next two years, under the supervision of Jean-François Méhaut. The SP2 will be done in Paris.